Real-time autonomous evolution of therapies, tools, and technologies.
Our research focus.
We combine the disciplines of directed evolution, high-throughput robotics, and chromatin biology to engineer novel precision biologics and build mechanistic models that will better inform our ability to understand and tackle human disease.
To read more about our research, see our publications.
Our team.
We’re building a team of biomedical engineers, scientists, and doctors who are interested in tackling problems at the interface of genomics, therapeutic discovery, and evolution.
Check back in the summer of 2023 to see how our team is growing!
Our resources.
We’re committed to developing open source tools for answering fundamental questions in biology and medicine. If you’re interested in using Pyhamilton, or any of the other publicly available Python or R packages, please visit the Pyhamilton Github page, or reach out to Pyhamilton’s developers on twitter.
Join us.
If you are an enthusiastic, self-motivated, and aspiring life-long-learner interested in protein engineering, directed evolution, cancer biology, or solving any of these problems with data-responsive science, we would love to hear from you!
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one most responsive to change.”
— Charles Darwin

Feel free to contact us with any questions.